Cara Usher-Smith
Cara has been working at the CSJ since 2008, during which time she managed the Development Team for four years and served as the Deputy Director, under the CEO for two years. Cara now acts as a Consultant to the CSJ, focusing primarily on strategy and development. Cara sits on the CSJ Board of Directors and also on the Board of the Centre for Social Justice Foundation. She also writes regular articles in the national media, including for the Spectator Magazine and other national newspapers.
Prior to joining the CSJ, Cara worked at the Stockholm Network, a pan-European think tank, where she was Head of Media and Communications. Cara started out her career working as Iain Duncan Smith’s Constituency Secretary when he was Leader of the Opposition. Following this, Cara toured the UK as part of Michael Howard’s general election campaign team in 2005.
Cara has a strong interest in tackling social breakdown and improving broken communities. She also acts as a pro bono consultant to a number of charitable causes. She graduated from Bristol University in 2002 with a 2:1 in ancient history.