CONSERVATIVE PARTY CONFERENCE 2021: Does the Conservative Party Care About Social Justice?

CONSERVATIVE PARTY CONFERENCE 2021: Does the Conservative Party Care About Social Justice?

Monday 4th October 18:00 - 19:30

Unsurprisingly, the most vulnerable in our society have been the hardest hit by the pandemic. Whilst COVID-19 and it’s attendant lockdowns have not necessarily created a raft of new problems, it has intensified many of the existing ones. Our expert panel discussed what the Government should do to tackle the burning injustices that have been exposed by the pandemic. 


Rt Hon Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP


Baroness Helena Morrisey DBE

Businesswoman and Author

Fraser Nelson

Editor, The Spectator

Joy Morrissey MP

Member of Parliament

Edward Davies

Policy Director, Centre for Social Justice

Gavin Rice

Head of Work and Welfare, Centre for Social Justice

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