How can we address the health inequalities of homelessness? A joint CSJ & CHI roundtable meeting with Eddie Hughes MP and Gillian Keegan MP
The pandemic shone a spotlight on the health and care needs of people with experience of homelessness or rough sleeping. It is well established that homelessness is closely associated with additional health and social care needs, these often requiring specialist support.
The pandemic also drove a unique policy response to homelessness from a public health perspective, including the internationally renowned ‘Everyone In’ initiative and more recent £28m Protect and Vaccinate Scheme. These programmes have been hailed for breaking new ground in their efforts to provide care and life-changing interventions for people experiencing homelessness.
However, while the pandemic has inspired progress, it has also exposed a need to further harness a public health approach to homelessness in the years ahead – particularly considering the stark health disparities among people still impacted by homelessness. Opportunities for this may include the design of policy interventions or NHS services to meet the needs of people experiencing homelessness, raising awareness of key issues among those delivering them, and data gathering to monitor and improve service delivery.
This roundtable, hosted by the CSJ in partnership with the CHI, aims to identify key gaps in current knowledge, and identify paths towards improved policy and practice. The participants include Government Ministers, policy research experts, and front-line leaders in homelessness, health and social care provision.

Joe Shalam
Policy Director, CSJ

Eddie Hughes MP
Under-Secretary of State for Housing and Rough Sleeping

Gillian Keegan MP
Minister of State for Care and Mental Health

Dr Lígia Teixeira
Founding Chief Executive, CHI

Dr Samuel Bruce
Head of Housing and Communities, CSJ

Greg Hurst
Head of Communications and Public Affairs, CHI

Rosanna O'Connor
Director, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities

Paul Schofield
Centre Director, Oasis Community Centre, Gorton

Dettie Wallington
Support Manager, The Exaireo Trust

David Finch
Assistant Director, Health Foundation

Dr Laura Nielson
Director, Shared Health Foundation

Christa Maciver
Head of Research, Policy and Communications, Justlife

Guillermo Rodríguez-Guzmán
Head of Evidence and Data, CHI