Liberal Democrat Conference 2024

Sunday 15th September 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM Regent Room, Grand Hotel

The Social Justice Hub at This Year’s Liberal Democrat Conference

This year, we are bringing the Social Justice Hub to the Liberal Democrat Conference, featuring an exciting lineup of the UK’s leading politicians, thought leaders, and social justice advocates.

Sunday’s showcase panel will address the critical question of how to reunite Britain, with insights from Tim Farron MP, Josh Babarinde OBE MP, David Maddox, Political Editor of The Independent, and journalist Miranda Green.

These discussions will tackle some of the most pressing social challenges, including poverty, inequality, and the future of social justice in Britain.

For those attending the conference, all events at the Social Justice Hub are free to attend, with refreshments provided.

If you’re unable to join in person, watch live on our Twitter or LinkedIn feeds.


Andy Cook

Chief Executive, The Centre for Social Justice

Tim Farron MP

Member of Parliament for Westmorland and Lonsdale

Josh Babarinde OBE MP

Member of Parliament for Eastbourne

Miranda Green

Journalist and Former Adviser to Paddy Ashdown

David Maddox

Political Editor, The Independent

Liberal Democrat Conference 2024

15th September 2024

See all of our events for this years Liberal Democrat Conference

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