CONSERVATIVE PARTY CONFERENCE 2021: Turning the Tide on Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation in the UK

CONSERVATIVE PARTY CONFERENCE 2021: Turning the Tide on Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation in the UK

Tuesday 5th October 17:00 - 18:00

This event focused on child sexual abuse that occurs online. Widespread internet access has created more opportunity for people who pose a sexual threat to children to contact them, and access appalling images and videos of children being abused. We were joined by an expert panel, as well as a survivor of online abuse.


Olivia Robey

Abuse and Exploitation Lead, Centre for Social Justice

Miriam Cates MP

Member of Parliament

Susie Hargraeves OBE

CEO, Internet Watch Foundation

Tom Morrison-Bell

Government Affairs and Public Policy Manager, Google

Victoria Green

CEO, Marie Collins Foundation

Rhiannon MacDonald

Subject Matter Expert, Marie Collins Foundation

Patrick Cronin

UK Homeland Security Managing Consultant, PA Consulting

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