What role can the financial sector play to help those suffering from economic abuse?

What role can the financial sector play to help those suffering from economic abuse?

Monday 5th October 13:00 - 14:00

EVENT BLURB – Domestic abuse has spiralled during the present Covid-19 lockdown crisis: Calls to the National Abuse Hotline in the UK soared by 65 per cent in the first month and a refuge helpline for victims saw a 120 per cent increase in one day.

As a result of the CSJ’s briefing note (published in April 2020) all three of our top recommendations were accepted by Home Office:

  1. Refuges were kept open in so far as this was possible and would have priority access to free tests/ vaccinations.
  2. Government invested in a national campaign to ensure the public knows that despite Covid-19 victims of domestic abuse still have recourse to justice and the support network they are entitled to; and their perpetrators can still seek help to modify their behaviour.
  3. All front line domestic abuse workers were recognised as key workers.

Lockdown has increased our consciousness of domestic abuse, as it is traditionally understood. But ‘economic abuse’ remains an unfamiliar concept. This event will discuss the nature of economic abuse and will explore how the financial sector can support those suffering from this hidden form of abuse.


Chair: Cristina Odone

Cristina Odone is the Head of the CSJ’s Family Policy Unit

Rt Hon Victoria Atkins MP

Victoria Atkins is a Conservative MP for Louth and Horncastle and is the Minister for Safeguarding

Nicola Sharp-Jeffs

Nicola Shap-Jeffs is the Founder and CEO of Surviving Economic Abuse, a leading charity in this field

Catherine Browning

Catherine Browning is Head of Customer Protection for Retail Banking at NatWest Group

A survivor of economic abuse

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