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By Pathway/ Policy Area:
Annual Report 2016/17
Polling on Public Attitudes to Family in Policy
Social justice in the digital age
The Great British Breakthrough
What happened to the rehabilitation revolution?
Lowering the stake on fixed odds betting terminals
Targeted, Timely and Reliable Access to Credit
Creating a Society Free of Serious Personal Debt
Rethinking Disability at Work: Recommendations, polling data and key statistics
Homes Fit For Heroes: A housing strategy for the modern armed forces
Housing First: Housing-led Solutions to Rough Sleeping and Homelessness
Submission from the Centre for Social Justice and Steve Double MP to the Women & Equalities Committee inquiry into fathers in the workplace.
The Syrian Refugee Crisis: a resettlement programme that meets the needs of the most vulnerable
Next Steps for Universal Support in Universal Credit
Everyone’s Business: Making Business Work for All
Reforming Contributory Benefits
Selective Education and Social Mobility
Bullying and Self-Exclusion: Who Cares?
The Use of Digital Technologies to Tackle Financial Exclusion
The Case for Strengthening Universal Credit Work Allowances
Road to Brexit
48:52 Healing a Divided Britain
Annual Fatherhood Survey
Delivering a Care Leavers’ Strategy for Traineeships and Apprenticeships
The Need for Community
Military Families and Transition
Where Next for the Family Test?
Manifesto for London

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