A renewed vision for the fight against modern slavery in the UK

In 2013, the CSJ published its first report on modern slavery called It Happens Here, calling for political leadership and new robust legislation to outlaw the abhorrent crime of modern slavery in the UK.1

Significant progress has been made since, in particular under the leadership of the former Prime Minister, Rt Hon Theresa May MP, which set the UK as the global leader in the fight against slavery. Yet, in the last few years, this progress has stalled, political leadership has waned and new legislation has been introduced that undermines the legacy of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Eleven years on and in the run-up to a general election, the CSJ and Justice and Care are calling for fresh political leadership in the fight against slavery in the UK. We believe the next government, whoever that may be, has a unique opportunity to take stock and re-energise its response to modern slavery based on three key principles:

  •  Modern slavery is fundamentally not an issue of immigration. It is a crime against a person and needs to be dealt with as a serious crime.
  • Victim support is key to prosecuting perpetrators and putting an end to modern slavery.
  • Partnership with the voluntary and private sector is required to strengthen the fight against modern slavery.

Action is needed to tackle modern slavery urgently. With the above principles in mind, this report makes the following top six recommendations for action in the first year of the new government’s term:

  • Re-assign ministerial responsibilities to reflect the true nature of modern slavery crime.
  • Review and address the impact of the recently introduced policy and legislation, particularly the Nationality and Borders Act 2022 and the Illegal Migration Act 2023.
  • Develop a new cross-departmental strategy to reinvigorate the response to modern slavery.
  • Ensure needs-based support is available to all victims of modern slavery by reviewing the National Referral Mechanism and rolling out the Victim Navigator programme.
  • Close legal gaps by introducing a new Modern Slavery Bill that would strengthen our response to criminal exploitation: 1) amend the Modern Slavery Act to include the definition of criminal exploitation and 2) introduce a new criminal offence of cuckooing.
  • Strengthen UK Government policy and legislation to prevent modern slavery in business and public sector supply chains.

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