A termly analysis of official data relating to absence from schools.

The number of severely absent pupils has soared by 136.5 per cent since before the pandemic. In Autumn 2023, 142,487 pupils were absent from school more often than they were present (severely absent), which is 1.97 per cent of the school population. This compares with 60,244 who were severely absent in Autumn 2019, the last full term before the pandemic. This means an additional 82,243 pupils are now severely absent from school.

It is vulnerable children who are affected most. In the 2022/23 academic year, children in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) had a severe absence rate more than triple the rate for children who were not eligible for FSM. Children in receipt of special educational needs (SEN) support are also more likely to be severely absent than their peers.

Persistent absence is once again increasing, and still at a concerningly high level compared to pre-pandemic. 1,407,802 pupils were persistently absent in Autumn 2023, which equates to 19.44 per cent of all pupils. This is an increase of 52.6 per cent since before the pandemic.

The overall absence rate in Autumn 2023 was 6.69 per cent. This is an increase of 35.7 per cent since before the pandemic.

For full analysis including, school type, region and gender — download the report.

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