The Serious Violence Reduction Order: Submissions relating to the application of the order


Serious Violence Reduction Orders (SVRO’s) are a key part of focussed deterrence efforts. The SVRO provides the Police with an additional pragmatic and proportionate tool to deter and detect the carrying of weapons. In February of 2021, YouGov conducted polling on the proposed order and explained the order to the public as follows:

The Government is planning to introduce a new court order that would allow police to search people convicted of carrying a weapon for a certain period of time after their conviction in public. This search could take place in circumstances where, apart from the recent conviction and court order for carrying a weapon, there would otherwise be no other grounds to search the person. The order would apply for a period of time set by the court.

We measured for:

i) levels of public support
ii) The age at which the public felt the order should apply

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