Chancellor’s ‘Back to work Budget’ packs a punch

Andy Cook, Chief Executive at the Centre for Social Justice

Chancellor’s ‘Back to work Budget’ packs a punch

15th March 2023

Andy CookBritain faces an epidemic of economic inactivity. CSJ research indicates that some 700,000 people are languishing on sickness benefits but would like to work. The post-Covid explosion in working-age welfare is costing the country a staggering £13 billion extra per annum. Even worse, it is a huge a waste of potential.

Many of these people are suffering from a variety of physical and mental health problems that hold them back from seeking a job.

Universal Support – the long forgotten “sister” to Universal Credit – was specifically designed to help those in this group who want to work get back into the workforce. The CSJ has long campaigned for the roll out of Universal Support, and we are delighted that the Chancellor has now taken decisive action to begin that process. Delivered properly, Universal Support will help hundreds of thousands more people reap the financial, social and health benefits of work.

With CSJ calls to boost childcare support in Universal Credit also adopted, the Chancellor’s ‘back to work Budget’ certainly packs a punch.

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