i news: There’s work to do to create a truly compassionate benefits system | Iain Duncan Smith MP

i news: There’s work to do to create a truly compassionate benefits system | Iain Duncan Smith MP

22nd December 2020

When we look back at this pandemic, I believe we will be grateful for Universal Credit.

In the first two weeks of lockdown back in March there were 1.1 million claims made to Universal Credit – more than 10 times the weekly average. To put this into perspective, more than one third of the 10.6 million claims made since the system was introduced in April 2013 have been made since March of this year.

Far from buckling under the pressure of these new claims, as other welfare systems abroad did, Universal Credit coped remarkably well. In those first weeks 96 per cent of all claims received their payment in full and on time, a figure which is now at 98 per cent.

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